Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ready for Kindergarten & Karate

Kendall got to go to school today and meet her teacher at Munhall. She was thrilled to get to go and was so excited as she walked through the door. Kendall made herself right at home of course and headed straight to the play area.
Caleb decided to join in the fun. He had just gotten back from his classroom where he had dropped off his supplies and met Mrs. Bennett. He was happy to play in the drama area as well. I think he was excited because although Kendall has a different teacher then Caleb it is in the classroom that he went to for his kindergarten
Kendall immediately found the high-heeled shoes that she slipped on her feet when she went into the play area. She also found white sent to love someone up to her altos and the ugliest apron that you can imagine. She of course thought that she looked beautiful and pranced around the classroom going clickety comp clickety-clack as she introduced yourself to her new classmates. I thought it was hilarious!

Caleb is continues to make wonderful progress in karate. Today he did an awesome job with his blocks!

He is making gains on his kata as well. There is one turn that continues to be tricky for him, once he gets that down, he will get to move up and test for a new belt! He has been so well behaved and attentive in karate. I am proud of him!

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