Saturday, August 2, 2008

Going Places and Being Scared

Kendall is a moving and a grooving little girl! I think her current goal is to have us chase her. We recently discovered that she can climb up stairs. Now, you might be wondering how I realized this. Well...I was upstairs a few days ago changing in the morning. The kiddos were downstairs watching a tv show and playing. All of a sudden I look down and there Kendall was in my room with me. She climbed right on up. She is actually pretty secure going up, but currently has no idea how to get back down. So, I guess I actually need to teach her that. But, if you are ever wondering where she is there is a good chance that she is racing up the stairs trying not to be caught!

Caleb, on the other hand, has some fear issues. His Uncle Micah discovered our secret yesterday. Caleb is terrified of Snuffalufagus. Micah thought that he was being a great uncle and showed Caleb this clip of sesame street: Caleb started to cry and say, "It's scary!" when it was Snuffy's turn to sing. Of course because we all love to torture my son, it was played 3 different times last night. My dad certainly enjoyed because Caleb ran to him and sat on his lap which was a rare treat. Any advice on how to toughen up a two year old?

Friday, August 1, 2008


Terry has always taken Caleb for walks since he began walking. Now that we have Flash, the dog of course goes as well. Recently Caleb has taken to bringing his own pet on the walks
with him. It is a plastic caterpillar with wheels. Now, this toy was meant for when he was much younger and just beginning to walk. But, he of course had no interest in it back then. The only real reason I have hung onto this toy was the hope that maybe Kendall would someday use it. I really was shocked when on his own he decided to take the caterpillar for a walk. It is a pretty funny sight seeing the three of them walk down the street.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kendall's Favorite Toy

Kendall is just starting to realize that toys are fun. But, we have an official winner... Flash is her favorite toy. Unfortunately for her, Flash does not feel joyous about winning this coveted prize. Kendall constantly follows Flash around. She tries to play with Flash's bones or whatever Flash happens to be chewing on. Flash gives a huge sigh, gets up and moves across the room. Of course, Kendall thinks this is a great game and squeals with delight. She then crawls full speed over to where Flash is at. This fabulous game can go on for an hour. Flash is very patient. But, she used to have a good 10 minutes for Kendall to get to her. Now it is more like 30 seconds. Kendall is really moving fast! I will feel pretty bad for Flash once Kendall is walking.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Big Kid

I always new it would happen. One of my kids would come home with a creature of some sort that they collected. Actually, Caleb has given me many bugs- especially the dead ones in the past year or so. But, we have a winner. The Big Kid (aka Terry) came home with a decrepit baby bunny yesterday. It was literally breathing it's last breath and Terry thought he could 'save' it. So, this ill and germy bunny entered my home-with Caleb and Kendall loving every second of this adventure. Terry took a medicine dropper and filled it with milk. This was to no avail because the bunny died about 3 minutes later. So, then I had a dead germy bunny in my house. Sweet. I never realized I had to explain the rule of no wild pets to my 36 year old husband! Caleb kept telling me how sad it was for the next few hours. I guess everyone has to learn about life and death at some point.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Being 2

Caleb is officially 2 with all that it implies. He has a mind of his own and let's us know when he doesn't get his way. For example, did you know that it is very important to turn on all of the lights upon entering a vehicle. I am waiting for the day that I forget to triple check and my battery is dead! He throws tantrums with the best of them too. The full out flopping to the ground and looking like a fish out of water. It must be tough to be 2!

Monday, July 28, 2008


Yes this would be Caleb's new nickname for himself. I think that most people envision tucking their 2 year old into bed with a cute teddy bear of some sort. This is not the case at my house. Caleb sleeps with 1 big and 4 mini plastic snakes. So nice for cuddling in the middle of the night! And being the very nice person I am, he has me kiss each of the snakes as well. Be warned as well that his new mission at bedtime is to get unsuspecting fools to kiss the snakes' tails. He then tells you how you are disgusting and just kissed snake pee. Where does he come up with this?!?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Kendall the Adventurer

We went to the park yesterday by our house. It has a playground that is aimed for younger children. Usually Caleb has a blast and I end up holding Kendall or just letting her on the swings. Yesterday Kendall had a different idea. She crawled across the wood chips to the playground equipment. That is motivation. I personally could not walk across the wood chips barefoot let alone crawl across them. I helped her up to the first bump on the toddler climbing wall. She then crawled up the rest of the way. Next she went over the bridge and down the slide by herself. She thought she was hot stuff and I have to say I was impressed with her determination!