Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Holiday Season Has Begun!

Caleb and Kendall are so excited about the holidays. We put out our decorations. These include a Hanukkah Bush. Okay, it is really a 9+ foot tree as everyone is quick to tell me, but it is decorated in silver and blue with lots of snowmen, dreidels, and menorahs. We put all of our Hanukkah presents underneath it. I wrapped the presents ahead of time, but the kids helped me add ribbons and bows. I have to say it looks pretty nice!
Caleb also wrote his first letter to Santa. We celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah to teach our kids about both my husband's traditions and mine. So, my kids are all about Santa this year. Caleb asked for just one thing...a magic wand that will change people into animals. Haha. He might be a tad bit disappointed on this request. I was so proud of Caleb that he actually wrote the letter. He did this on his own, without it being requested of him. He grabbed a piece of paper, decided on a sentence, drew the lines, and wrote. He did ask for help with the spelling. I was so excited a few months ago when we wrote mom. I am so proud of his progress and hard work!
Tonight we went and looked at a few of the bigger light displays in our area. Last year we waited until the week before Christmas, and we waited in line for over an hour to see the house pictured below. This worked out MUCH better We only waited in line for about 15 minutes. The kids had fallen asleep on the ride over. Caleb woke up and was wide eyed when he saw the lights! Kendall slept through most of it. She woke up and watched about 5 minutes before we left though. She was a sleepy girl!
This house is amazing. It has over 200,000 lights and a few lasers as well. The lights are choreographed to songs that are broadcast on the radio. I would guess there are 15-20 songs. We stayed for about 7 or so.
We are so lucky to have this amazing house nearby. I am also VERY thankful that I do not live on their street! What a fun time of year.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Puss In Boots

We went to see Puss In Boots. This was a show that was a long time coming. We had told the kids we would take them, and that was about when they got sick. Then we had some big behavior issues...We have a rule, if you are not behaving at home, we are not going to take you out in public.
Finally, we had a day of good behavior and clean rooms. Yeah! So, off we went. The kids were so excited to go. They loved it! As kid movies go, it was pretty funny as well
I also made the realization at the movies, that Kendall's coat was becoming too small. I really had thought it was a size 4. Nope, it was a 3T. Oops! The next coat that I bought her was a 5/6. Kendall's hands just poke through the arm holes, so I say it works. It does make her look beefy because it is so puffy. Thankfully she loves it!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. It was great to have two new additions to our dinner...although they were too little to eat! Here is a picture of Rachel holding Ira. He is such a happy baby and was all smiles.
My mom is such a baby person and loves to role of Grandma. I have to admit that I am also a baby person and spent much of my Thanksgiving snuggling with my niece and nephew.
Tessa wasn't all smiles, but who can blame her! Caleb and Kendall both wanted to hold her. If I was in her position I would probably cry too! Caleb is so proud of his little cousins. He thinks the world of them and talks about them daily.
We had to get a picture of all of the girls. I guess striped tights must be in style, because all three of them happened to be wearing brown dresses and striped tights. Too cute! Caleb said that he wished we could have Thanksgiving everyday. We both agree that it is our favorite holiday!