Monday, May 28, 2012


Caleb continues to take karate on Mondays. He is no on his 3rd sessions, so we decided to splurge and get hima uniform. He is very proud of it. He does pretty well when he is standing away from Christopher. Having your close friend at your side can be very distracting! I love that Kendall is in the background of this photo wearing a crown. I believe she really thinks she is a princess. 

New Swingset

 Terry and I decided to buy a swing set for our backyard. Our kids love going to the park, and I thought it would nice to have the park at our house. After searching and searching, we finally found one that fit our price range and had the main components of what we were looking for. I wanted 2 swings, a slide, and monkey bars. This one also came with a fort, picnic bench, and a glider. It was perfect.
 The swing set came in 4 huge boxes shipped separately to Walmart. Terry picked them up one at a time. It was a pretty big project that took him a full day to put together. I helped at the beginning, but h really didn't need any extra hands, and seemed to get it done faster without me.
The kids were so excited when it was finished. They often play in the morning before we leave for Michelle's house. Caroline stopped by to check it out as well, and had a great time playing on the glider with Kendall. I hope that they get lots of use out of this!


 Caleb is playing in our park district soccer league. I swear that every Saturday at 2:20 is freezing! It is just crazy. Kendall spent most of this particular game hiding in her coat because she was so cold.
 Caleb doesn't let the cold get him down though. He is really enjoying playing soccer this year. Overall, he is doing a much better job dribbling, and just his ability to stay on his feet.
I am glad that he is enjoying it. He is smiling and laughing throughout the games and he is proud when he does well. I love seeing him try his best and telling me that it is fun.

Lunch With Grandma

Kendall loves when Gradma picks her up from peschool and takes her out to lunch. My guess is, that her favorite part is shopping.

 Typically she also comes home with a new outfit and a new pair of shoes. I wish my mom would surprise me and pick me up from school too! Lucky girl. I think Kendall will miss this next year when she is in full day kindergarten.

Hanging Out With Christopher

I feel so fortunate to have Michelle watching my kids while I am working. They have a lot of fun with her kids. Here is a picture of Kendall and Christopher hanging out at the park. I love when Michelle sends pictures to me. It is nice to know that the kids are safe and enjoying themselves.