Sunday, August 7, 2011

Happy Belated Father's Day

Today we met my family at Brookfield Zoo for a VERY belated Father's Day present for my dad. We actually managed to get everyone minus Lindsey together, which is a pretty amazing feat! It was wonderful to see everyone, and the children had such a great time. Isaac and Caroline are so cute toddling around.
Kendall loved that Caroline was a girl cousin. She gave Caroline lots of kisses and helped her out throughout the day. I think she really felt like a big girl. Both girls loved petting the goats at the children's zoo.
Kendall also enjoyed the extra attention that she got from her uncles. She was always holding someone's hand, or vying for their attention!
My mom kept a good sense of humor about the pouring rain that happened for the first hour or so. We had cancelled the last trip due to rain. So, she decided that she was not going to cancel again. Almost everyone bought these lovely yellow ponchos. We were quite the fashionistas!
I love that my kids are always fascinated by the dolphins. I would guess this is their favorite exhibit. I think one of the reasons why they like they dolphin is because they are so close! They are also interesting to watch. I loved when all four cousins were watching the dolphins together.

All in all, another great day this summer! I can't believe that summer is quickly coming to an end.