Thursday, September 25, 2008


Caleb is now climbing and getting into EVERYTHING! Today, he climbed into the kitchen sink and washed our vegetables with dish soap. He dives over the couch, climbs onto the sink in the bathroom, and has scaled his bookshelves. For as big of a clutz as he is, this is pretty impressive-nevertheless naughty!


So, I told Caleb yesterday that we could go to the park after dinner. We cooked, ate, and cleaned up. Then did potty break/diaper change, put on shoes, put Kendall into the car, downpour. Yup, before Caleb even got into the car it began to downpour. He was so disappointed!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sibling Rivalry

It has already started. Caleb is so jealous of Kendall and wants whatever she has. For example, today Kendall was playing with cute toy where you use a hammer to bang balls through a hole. Caleb of course wanted it. So, he pushed her down and took it right out of her hands. This earned Caleb a timeout where he cried and thought that life was terribly unfair. So, after his timeout he went right to the toy shelf and picked up the other toy that needed a hammer. We only have one plastic hammer-so of course he started crying hysterically saying that he couldn't play because Kendall had the hammer. Thankfully, Kendall gave it to him and ultimately he got his way-mostly. Totally deliberate! Once he saw that Kendall was through playing with the hammer he immediately put the toy back on his shelf and played with something else!