Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Germs, Germs, and More Germs!

We have had a germy couple of weeks at our house. On Wednesday, November 2 Kendall stayed home from school with a cold and a low grade fever. So, Terry stayed home with her. She was feeling better the next day and went to school. Well on Thursday, I was called at school at lunch to pick up Caleb. He had a tummy ache and low grade fever. We hung out at home and he looked miserable. I figured stomach flu...he'll be better in a day or so.

Well, Terry took off Friday and he was still really uncomfy, but just a low grade fever. So, we continued to let this bug run its course. That night (Friday), Caleb woke up with night terrors and had temp of 104.6. Yikes! So, I got it down with some ibuprofen and he woke up the next morning fever free. So, of course I didn't make a doctor's appointment. By 3:00 his fever was back up to 104.5. I took him to urgent care. He was quickly diagnosed with a sinus infection. I questioned it because of his tummy was hurting him, but I am not a doctor. So, we filled the prescription and figured it would kick in within 24 hours.

So, we waited and waited...and his fever continued with vengeance. Kendall ended up getting the stomach flu on Monday. So, I thought...Caleb must have the flu as well. He got sick once, but nothing terrible like Kendall. By Tuesday morning, Kendall felt fine and Caleb's fever was still raging.

So, I made an appointment with our regular doctor on Tuesday. After chest x-rays he was quickly diagnosed with pneumonia. The doctor told me that he would need a shot of antibiotics to get these germs out of his system. The look on Caleb's face was priceless when they gave him the choice of which cheek he wanted his shot. The fact that you can get shots in your behind was eye opening for him. He wasn't happy, but was a good trooper. The nurse told me afterwards that the shot is very painful. So, I was really proud of him and the way he handled it.
So, on Wednesday I needed to take Caleb back to the doctor for a recheck. My parents took Kendall out to lunch. She was thrilled to get some extra attention. Caleb's fever had broke, and his oxygen level was up to 95. If it had been 94, he would have needed another shot. So, I was thrilled to see the improvement.

He was back to school on Thursday!!! Caleb had a week of no exercise of any kind. So, he was pretty bouncy by the end week. I am just so glad and thankful that we are all finally feeling better. Terry and I both ended up with the stomach flu, and I am guessing Caleb had both the stomach flu and pneumonia at the same time. Poor boy! Either Terry or I were home EVERY day from November 2-November 15 due to illnesses. That is just crazy! I am hoping that we got through all of the germs and will have a healthy holiday season!