Monday, December 22, 2008

The Relatives Came

We had such fun last night when April came with her crew of kids. Caleb thinks that his cousins are great! The kids stayed up until 1:30 a.m. playing with each other and were in good moods this morning too. Here are a few pictures that my nephew Shane, a budding photographer, took to capture the evening.


The snow has come in full force. It is wonderful powdery snow-great for sledding or skiing but not great for snowball fights or snowmen. This is really Kendall's first year playing in the snow and to put it lightly she absolutely detests it. Definitely a mommy's girl in this area. The second we start putting on all of our winter gear the tears begin and then she tends to just lay down and cry outside instead of playing. Caleb, on the other hand, thinks that snow is nature's best sandbox. He made snow angels (I CANNOT believe he remembered this from last year), tried his best to make a snowman-it was about 2 inches tall, and loves to just roll around in the snow because apparently snow is fun.


Well, if anyone even checks this after a month or two being down I am super impressed! So, blankies. Both my kids have a blankie fetish. Caleb calling his favorite blanket, "blankie #2" and Kendall calling hers, "night night." Here they are with their blankets in absolute heaven because I let them have their prized possessions out of their beds. The fact that they are both smiling and are looking at the camera is amazing unto itself!