Thursday, September 8, 2011

They Are Always Watching!

Kendall came downstairs after her bath with a towel wrapped around her, just like I typically do. She smiled and told me she is a big girl now! What a cutie pie!

Caleb also told me that someone was teasing him at school and that made his bucket feel sad. I am guessing they read the book about filling your bucket at school. I love that he is repeating that because it shows that he is listening and taking the learning in! Of course, I would prefer the story about his bucket being filled!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Delnor Woods

We had a fun day after school. Michelle took the kids to my house to play with Flash. So, her kids stayed and ate tacos with us. After they left, we went to Delnor Woods to take a walk. I love taking walks with my kids because lots of stories come out as we are walking and talking. Today, Caleb was teaching us the song Tooty Ta. That is a very cute song where the kids do some funny actions. I am going to have to get it on video!

Caleb also led the way around the woods. He thought he was pretty big stuff. He took us off the beaten trail and around the woods. We laughed a lot. What a fun night!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

We had a fun filled busy day today! First we road the train with Christopher to Glen Elyn to celebrate his 5th birthday. Chris had no idea what where we were going, and he was so excited when he saw we were at the train station.
The kids loved riding the train. Chris wins with the best line of the day. When the train stopped at Wheaton, Chris got a really worried look on his fact and told us that we couldn't get off at Wheaton because Caleb is allergic to it! Haha! Unfortunately, the restaurant we had wanted to go to was closed for Labor Day. It was a great lesson on flexibility for the kids. We hopped on the next train back to town, and headed to McDonalds instead. We then went to Funway and road the bumper cars. Caleb and Chris thought it was super fun. They had the best smiles. I didn't get any pictures of them, because I was too busy colliding head on!
Later I took the kids to the park to enjoy the beautiful weather. I got a little picture happy, so there are a ton of pictures of today. When Kendall was riding this bulldozer, she was very worried that it didn't have wheels.
Kendall then moved quickly to the playground. She is turning into a little monkey, and did a great job climbing up this and getting onto the climber with no help!
Caleb was trying to avoid the camera at all cost. He thought it was hilarious, until I said fine, I will just take photos of Kendall. He then came up with this pose.
The kids had a great time racing up and sliding down the huge tube slides. I know I have said it before, but this climber is amazing! The park was spruced up this summer. It really looks great.
Caleb and Kendall played so well together. Here they are sliding down the slide together. They laughed so hard.
Then Kendall wanted to play restaurant. She used a wood chip as a phone, and pretended to serve me different desserts.
She thought this game was hilarious. I love this picture of her laughing!
Later we went on a walk around the rest of the park. We met Frankie from Sandwich who hung out with us during the walk. He was wonderful with the kids, and Caleb loved playing with a big boy!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Play Date with Isaac!

Adam and Nikko came out with Isaac today to visit everyone. It was great to see them! Isaac is so adorable! He is no longer walking, but rather running and playing. He is definitely passed the baby stage. My kids loved playing with him. We went on a bike ride to enjoy the beautiful weather. Isaac loved the cozy coupe.
Kendall announced that she is too little for her big girl bike, and got onto this teeny, tiny tricycle. She looked so silly pedaling around on it!
I think she got tired of everyone commenting, so she went back and got a big tricycle. It was slightly better, but she still looked like a goof ball following Caleb on his two wheeler with training wheels.
When we got back to the house, Kendall decided to take a turn in the cozy coupe. Isaac was not happy with that idea! He grunted and pointed at Kendall with a frown on his face. It was pretty funny. Kendall, being a great cousin got out and gave him a turn.

Afterwards, we took Dorothy and Wayne out to dinner at Al Capone's Steakhouse. The food was delicious! I am so proud of the kids. I had tried to find a sitter, but no one was available due to the long weekend. So, we brought the kids. Caleb was perfect. He talked in a whisper, sat the entire time, and was super polite. Kendall wasn't perfect, but I have no complaints from her either! Kendall was fascinated with the bathrooms. She went 5 times throughout dinner. She wanted to do it herself each time. I think she liked the doors; they slid open like pantry doors. So, dinner was wonderful and everyone had a great time. I guess, the lack of sitters ended up being a great thing!

After dinner, we met Rachel, Mike, and Caroline at the park. They were getting their pictures taken by Michelle. Michelle also was able to snap a few photos of Caleb and Kendall. I have to say, all in all, a great day!

First Phone Call Home From School

Well, less than a week into the school year and I get my first phone call home from school. It was actually from the school nurse. Caleb was running full speed at recess and ran smack into someone else, cheek first. He ended up getting his first black eye at school. That didn't take long! He is totally fine, I really hope that the child he ran into is fine as well. Apparently, Caleb just hopped back up and started playing again. When he came back inside, his teacher realized that it was going to bruise and sent him into the nurse. My little bruiser!
The new routine with school is taking a toll on the kids. They are exhausted by the time we get home. After school, Michelle has been taking the kids to the park, because Caleb is bursting with energy from sitting still all day long. I have been giving him 1-2 hours of playtime. Then, we go home to cook and eat dinner, as well as tubs, homework, and bedtime stories. Each day when I cook dinner the kids veg out in front of the tv, sometimes falling asleep. If I don't give them this down time, the rest of the evening is filled with multiple meltdowns, so this routine is working for now. It is very sweet though, that they cozy up together!

Kendall's First Day of Preschool

Kendall had her first day of preschool last Monday. She was so excited about it! This year she is going to Fox Ridge and is in their community preschool program. Caleb had been their in the early childhood blended classroom for the past two years. So, it was nice that she was able to follow his footsteps.
Kendall does not have Miss Stephanie like Caleb. She moved schools this year. Instead, she has Mrs. Waugh. I think it is hilarious, because Kendall keeps calling her Waugh. When I try to correct her, she informs me that I am wrong. Kendall has told me that Waugh sings a lot of the same songs that Miss Melissa sang last year. She loves recess and playing with the toys. However, she has told me that she does not like the table time. This week she had to practice writing her name. She did it twice even though it was set up for her to write it 5 times. Silly girl! Of course, I made her finish it at home. She was also excited because she took home an easy reader like Caleb did for kindergarten. So, they both have homework reading their books. I am thrilled that both kids are loving school and off to a great start to the school year!