Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

We had a fun filled busy day today! First we road the train with Christopher to Glen Elyn to celebrate his 5th birthday. Chris had no idea what where we were going, and he was so excited when he saw we were at the train station.
The kids loved riding the train. Chris wins with the best line of the day. When the train stopped at Wheaton, Chris got a really worried look on his fact and told us that we couldn't get off at Wheaton because Caleb is allergic to it! Haha! Unfortunately, the restaurant we had wanted to go to was closed for Labor Day. It was a great lesson on flexibility for the kids. We hopped on the next train back to town, and headed to McDonalds instead. We then went to Funway and road the bumper cars. Caleb and Chris thought it was super fun. They had the best smiles. I didn't get any pictures of them, because I was too busy colliding head on!
Later I took the kids to the park to enjoy the beautiful weather. I got a little picture happy, so there are a ton of pictures of today. When Kendall was riding this bulldozer, she was very worried that it didn't have wheels.
Kendall then moved quickly to the playground. She is turning into a little monkey, and did a great job climbing up this and getting onto the climber with no help!
Caleb was trying to avoid the camera at all cost. He thought it was hilarious, until I said fine, I will just take photos of Kendall. He then came up with this pose.
The kids had a great time racing up and sliding down the huge tube slides. I know I have said it before, but this climber is amazing! The park was spruced up this summer. It really looks great.
Caleb and Kendall played so well together. Here they are sliding down the slide together. They laughed so hard.
Then Kendall wanted to play restaurant. She used a wood chip as a phone, and pretended to serve me different desserts.
She thought this game was hilarious. I love this picture of her laughing!
Later we went on a walk around the rest of the park. We met Frankie from Sandwich who hung out with us during the walk. He was wonderful with the kids, and Caleb loved playing with a big boy!

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