Sunday, July 8, 2012

Kane County Cougar Game

 We took the kids to their first baseball game in May. It was a Halloween themed night, so they got to wear costumes and go trick or treating at the park.
 Caleb chose to dress up as batman. This is a pretty new dress up costume that he got by winning over an older lady at a garage sale.
 Caleb really enjoyed the game. He was fairly attentive and asked lots of great questions.
 Kendl dressed up as Ariel. She flitted in and out of watching the game. We took lots of walks!

It was a pretty cold evening, and we ended up with our winter coats on along with blankets. The kids overall had a fun time, they especially loved the fireworks after the game.

Grandma's House

 We had another play date at Grandma's house. Kendall had a blast riding bikes wit Caroline.
I find it hilarious that Kendall is still riding around on these tiny tricycles. One day she will become more brave, and will use a big girl bike.


Kendall just loves her dog Flash. She is such a great dog for our family, well minus the crazy amount that she sheds.

Dance Recital

 These pictures are now officially going out of order. So, this is from May. Kendall was so excited about her dance recital this year. Here she is ready for her rehearsal. We had to wake her from her nap, thus her blankie in hand, although she would tote it everywhere if I allowed her to.

I was VERY disappointed with the dress rehearsal this year. We had to arrive at 4:00, which meant I left work early. We had to wait an hour for finale practice at 5:00. Then, Kendall didn't get to go on stage to practice her dance until 9:30 p.m. That is just ridiculous for a four year old. If she chooses dance again, we will not be using the park district program. This just left such a sour taste in my mouth. On the bright side, Kendall looked adorable!