Thursday, October 9, 2008


I wish that I had had my camera with me this morning. I left it at school. Caleb was brushing his hair with one hand and his teeth with his other hand. He is multitasking already!

Monday, October 6, 2008


Yes, I have budding artists in my hand. Add that to me being an insane person and you get a 1 and 2 year old painting at the same time, on opposite ends of an easel. Oh, and add some finger painting and I would assume my kids had a wonderful afternoon! I did have to have a discussion with Caleb that we paint the paper not our hair, nose, or body.

Norton's Farm

This adorable farm is nestled right outside of St. Charles. It is great for young children! I would say the ideal age is up to 4 or so. Caleb and Kendall had a wonderful time there on Saturday. I could not believe how independent and brave Kendall is becoming. She crawled through a hay tunnel and had no issues wandering to exactly where she wanted to go. She LOVED the animals, especially the horses. Caleb enjoyed throwing hay onto his head. I guess it is the little things in life!

Pictures with Grandma

Mom is ALWAYS complaining that I never take pictures of her with the kids. So, we went to the pumpkin farm on Saturday and I made sure that I took lots of pictures with her. She really does exist. Enjoy!