Saturday, April 30, 2011

Spring has Sprung!

It was a gorgeous morning today. We went out at 9:00 to spend the morning at the park. Caleb has been struggling learning how to ride a bike. He is now 5, and it is a challenge for him. We have spent endless hours this spring working on pedaling. So, for this trip to the park we met his friend who is 7 years old and an expert bike rider. I was hoping this might give him some motivation to give biking another try. It WORKED! Caleb was very excited to have a new bike riding buddy. He worked very hard and ended up biking all around the park. He is still very nervous about biking. It was very funny, he went a snails pace and would often throw on the brakes because he was going 'too fast.' Too fast walking at a normal pace. But, that was fine by me, at least he was moving. Last weekend, the only movement that happened on the bike was when I pushed him. So, this is huge progress for him. I think the park motivated him as well, because they do sculptures at the park each year and many new sculptures were up. So,  we stopped at each one and looked at them. Kendall had fun running ahead and waiting for Caleb. This picture of her was when she hid under a strange cement wall. We stayed at the park riding and playing for 3 hours. What a wonderful morning!

I'm Back!

I have been thinking about this blog for awhile now. I am going to try to get back on here and write as well as add pictures. It has been a while and a lot has happened. I don't think I will go back in time and catch up, but will just start up again. Enjoy!