Monday, April 9, 2012

Sunday at the Park

We went to Iowa for the weekend. After the long car ride home, we stopped at the park. The kids were in a picture taking mode, and kept posing for me. I wish I had had a good camera on me. I love when they are sweet to each other.

Caleb's All About Me Homework

Caleb had homework over the weekend to make an all about me poster. He had to choose pictures of his family, favorite things, significant events, and special memories. It was fun looking through the old photos. It is fun to hear what he remembers from all of these past events as well.

Aria in his class added a section about the future. In the green it says, "When I grow up I want to be a vet and marry Caleb." So sweet!!!

ER trip with Kendall

I got an urgent call from Kendall's school nurse on Thursday. Apparently, she pulled a Caleb. Kendall ran head first into a poll, bounced off then landed head first on the cement ground. She was being very quiet, and not acting like herself, so the nurse thought that I should take Kendall to the ER to get her checked out for a concussion. Thank goodness she is fine, but I have to say I rushed out of school! Hopefully she will look where she runs in the future.