Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Elgin Symphony

One of my friends had four extra tickets to the Youth Symphony, so we had the opportunity to take the kids. It was such a fun time! The kids were able to play a variety of instruments. They both loved the violin. Caleb also enjoyed the bass, while Kendall was very proud that she was able to play the flute. They were also able to conduct a string quartet and listen to the orchestra play. It was a very fun afternoon!


 We didn't get much snow at all this winter. So, the kids only got to go sledding once this winter. The little snow that we got this winter melted within a day or two. I loved it, but I think the kids were a bit disappointed.

Kendall didn't totally love the snow, but she did go out and play a few times in it. This was a pretty big change compared to last year.

 Caleb of course, snuck outside as much as possible. Here he is trying to build a snowman with just a couple of inches of snow. The fact that he got a big snow ball is pretty good!
Caleb also always wanted to be a big helper. I went out to shovel one day when Terry had to go into work early. My car stinks in the snow! I knew if I would be fine leaving, but I might not be able to get back up the driveway. So, I went out to shovel. Caleb, raced out and grabbed a small shovel and began helping. I know snow and no coat...but I wasn't wearing a coat either. It wasn't too bad out!

January 2012...Kendall Learns to Write Mom!

 Here are a few random kid pictures that I took. Kendall napping on our couch. She is wearing her favorite sweater...well really her favorite is anything that includes stripes. She would love for us o call her Stripes, after the zebra from the movie.

We had another lunch at Chipotle's. Caleb's pick of course! Kendall has become the best table stalker I know. The restaurant was so busy, but the second someone left, she slid right in.
Kendall has finally figured out what to eat there. She goes veggie, with a cheese quesidilla, rice, black beans, and guacomolie. Yeah! I am glad both kids can now be happy there. 

The final three pictures are Kendall's first 3 attempts of writing mom. Ahhh. I am excited that she is able to do this, but I would prefer that she be able to write her name! Of course, Kendall doesn't believe that her name begins with Ken. She thinks it is Ker. So, this might be a long work in progress!

Bowling January 2012

 The Frith's came into town for New Years again this year. So, we were able to hang out with them at their hotel. The hotel had a bowling alley in it, which was perfect for the kids!
 Caleb loves to bowl, and is progressively getting better each time we go. This past time he got about a 40. Not, horrible for a 5 year old.
Kendall also likes to bowl, but the ball is heavy. So, she grunts as she walks the ball to her lane. She then sets it down and gives it a small push. More times then not, her cousins had to go and retreive her ball because it didn't quite make it!

February 2012

My computer went kaput. So, I have no real computer access at home. So, of course this blog has suffered. Therefore, I am going to do a monthly update, instead of my more typical daily update. Hopefully the daily updates will happen again soon!

I am really working with the kids to keep their rooms clean. Kendall's room looked spotless...that is until I looked under her bed. Above is what I found. It is actually quite amazing that she was able to fit that sheer amount of random stuff under there. It took a very long time to get everything put away. Her closet has a shelves full of plastic drawers, and pull out bins for her toys. We also have a laundry shoot...so I truly believe that shoving her things under her bed took her about the same amount of time as it would have to put them away. What was Kendall thinking!?!

Kendall has been all about looking pretty. She often asks for a spray of her perfune that her Aunt Tanya gave her, or play make-up on the weekends with me. She also now has been asking to sleep with curlers in her hair. Caleb is my happy helper, plus he loves jumping in front of as many pictures as possible!

 Kendall has also figured out that she loves puzzles. I bought her a new tin of 3 puzzles and she was able to do all of them. Terry is helping her with this one, but she really doesn't need it. She loves sitting down and putting together a puzzle. Kendall is so different than Caleb. He never loved to do puzzles. It is nice to have one child who likes quiet actiivities!

Above is a picture that Michelle sent me of Kendall in her car. She squeezes 5 kids into her car. It is a pretty amazing feat that she gets out of the house each day. Most importantly, my kids love going over there each day. Michelle is like a second mom to them. We are so lucky to have her!!

As I look at these pictures, they seem like they are all about Kendall. Oops! How random. Usually, I have extra photos of Caleb. I am sure it will even out in the end.