Tuesday, March 20, 2012

January 2012...Kendall Learns to Write Mom!

 Here are a few random kid pictures that I took. Kendall napping on our couch. She is wearing her favorite sweater...well really her favorite is anything that includes stripes. She would love for us o call her Stripes, after the zebra from the movie.

We had another lunch at Chipotle's. Caleb's pick of course! Kendall has become the best table stalker I know. The restaurant was so busy, but the second someone left, she slid right in.
Kendall has finally figured out what to eat there. She goes veggie, with a cheese quesidilla, rice, black beans, and guacomolie. Yeah! I am glad both kids can now be happy there. 

The final three pictures are Kendall's first 3 attempts of writing mom. Ahhh. I am excited that she is able to do this, but I would prefer that she be able to write her name! Of course, Kendall doesn't believe that her name begins with Ken. She thinks it is Ker. So, this might be a long work in progress!

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