Tuesday, March 20, 2012


 We didn't get much snow at all this winter. So, the kids only got to go sledding once this winter. The little snow that we got this winter melted within a day or two. I loved it, but I think the kids were a bit disappointed.

Kendall didn't totally love the snow, but she did go out and play a few times in it. This was a pretty big change compared to last year.

 Caleb of course, snuck outside as much as possible. Here he is trying to build a snowman with just a couple of inches of snow. The fact that he got a big snow ball is pretty good!
Caleb also always wanted to be a big helper. I went out to shovel one day when Terry had to go into work early. My car stinks in the snow! I knew if I would be fine leaving, but I might not be able to get back up the driveway. So, I went out to shovel. Caleb, raced out and grabbed a small shovel and began helping. I know snow and no coat...but I wasn't wearing a coat either. It wasn't too bad out!

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