Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Philip's Park Zoo

We had an awesome day today. We started with gymnastic lessons. The kids both did a great job listening and had much fun in their lessons.
Next we picked up Rachael and went to Philip's Park. This is a great little park a few towns over. It is totally free and includes a small zoo. We started with a picnic in the park. The kids love having these picnics. They think that eating outside is a great treat. What an easy way to have some fun.
Next we went through the zoo area. There were sme interesting animals. Kendall really enjoyed the tortoise and the snakes. Caleb loved the mountain lion and the otters. Most of the animals were very active today, which made it so interesting for the kids.
After the zoo we went to the pool. It was cooler today, and the pool was empty. We had so much fun! Caleb practiced swimming and floating. He had a great time racing for the rings. He also played monsters with Rachael and I. One of us chased him and the other rescued him. Where was Kendall, you might be wondering...Well, she refuses to leave the baby area. So, she found some kids to play with in the sprinklers, but pretty much played by herself. I wish she would try playing with us!
By far, my favorite moment of the day was when I dropped the kids off at home before I dropped Rachael off. Kendall stood and waved and shouted goodbye to us until we drove away. It was super sweet. I love when she shows her loving side. That smile was golden!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Can Do It Myself!

Both Caleb and Kendall are going though a new 'I can do it myself' stage. This is always a double edge sword...there are great learning and things about it, but it can be very frustrating at the same time!

Kendall wants to do her seat belt on her own. This will be great once she gets it, but right now it is very hit and miss. When it is a miss Kendall becomes very crabby! The good news is, that she has gotten it a few times in the last couple of I think she will have this mastered soon.

Caleb now wants to do his own hair. This morning he found the spray bottle with water and a bit of conditioner that I use to do their hair. He did it...of course it looked like he just got out of the shower when he was finished. The best part was he then tried to do our dog's hair, both spraying and combing Flash. She is such a good job and just sat there happily.

I love when my kids hit these new milestones, but the weeks before they truly get it can be so frustrating! Hopefully both of them will figure out their new skills soon.