Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Computer

I am typing on my lap top which is now missing most of its keys thanks to Caleb. Caleb was watching a movie and I needed to put Kendall down for a nap. I left for about 3 minutes. When I came bag he said uh oh buttons. I had no idea what he was talking about until I saw the couch. The top letter row only has the r on it. I am speechless. He is sitting in time out right now. Oh, and yes if you are wondering, the laptop was closed. He opened it first.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Water Park

Can I just say I LOVE LOVE LOVE the free water park by my house. We spend so much time there! Both kids have the best time. Caleb runs around like a mad man. Whereas Kendall enjoys splashing and holding my hands while practicing walking around the park. It is a great place for Caleb to play with other children as well. We tend to go after dinner as a way to wear him out before bedtime.

We spent about 2 hours there this evening. Kendall really enjoyed playing on the swings she was laughing and giggling the entire time!

On a totally different note, Caleb is in the wonderful habit of waking up Kendall during his nap time. They both think it is hilarious. I of course disagree.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Hi! This is my first official entry. :) I think this blog is just going to be about life with my family. My name is Holly and I teach first grade. I have a wonderful husband, Terry who teaches middle school. We have two children.

Caleb is 2. He is probably the happiest kid that I know. He is also one one of the most active kids that I know. He keeps us on our toes. He has food allergies which has been a new adventure for me. He is allergic to wheat, peanuts, and strawberries. He also has multiple environmental allergies. None of this gets him down though!

Kendall will be 11 months on Tuesday. Which to be honest, is CRAZY! I don't know where time has gone. She is such a girl. She is happy and easy going most of the time-except when she isn't. She can throw a temper tantrum with the best of them. She amazes me with her determination and motivation to do new things.