Sunday, July 13, 2008


Hi! This is my first official entry. :) I think this blog is just going to be about life with my family. My name is Holly and I teach first grade. I have a wonderful husband, Terry who teaches middle school. We have two children.

Caleb is 2. He is probably the happiest kid that I know. He is also one one of the most active kids that I know. He keeps us on our toes. He has food allergies which has been a new adventure for me. He is allergic to wheat, peanuts, and strawberries. He also has multiple environmental allergies. None of this gets him down though!

Kendall will be 11 months on Tuesday. Which to be honest, is CRAZY! I don't know where time has gone. She is such a girl. She is happy and easy going most of the time-except when she isn't. She can throw a temper tantrum with the best of them. She amazes me with her determination and motivation to do new things.

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