Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Touch a Tractor

We met the Mustard's at touch a tractor. Compared to past years, the weather was great! It looked like rain, and was windy...but the rain held off. Caleb at first was very nervous going on the high tractors. He thought they were too tall, but he got braver the longer we were there. The kids had a blast, and I loved how independent they were. They were able to go from tractor to tractor, taking turns with other kids. It is nice to know how much they have matured!

Sleeping Beauty

 We went to the Hemmen's to see Sleeping Beauty a few weeks ago. Kendall was SO excited because not only were we going to the theater, but her bff Avery got to join us. Here she is in the car waiting to pick up Avery.
 I loved that when we walked towards the theater, Kendall and Avery walked hand in hand together. It was so sweet!

We had some time to spare, and the children loved looking at the sculptures along the way. They were total hams, and wanted their pictures taken. Overall, the kids did a great job at the show. They loved it and were singing along at times. I can't wait for the next children's theater show!

Caleb Met a New Friend

Caleb wrote this is school in April. "I met a new friend when I was riding my bike." He met a little guy named Sebastian, who was hanging out with with his dad, who was flipping the house across the street from us. The boys played together every day for a week. It was wonderful! I wish we had more kids his age on our street.

Football OR Teeball?!?!

This spring, Kendall announced that she wanted to play football. I of course had to question her a bit, and asked her what is football. She responded, "You know mom you wack the ball with a stick." Ahhhh...she meant baseball, silly girl! So, we signed her up this spring for a learn how to play teeball class. She is so excited about it. We bought a tee, ball, and bat for her to practice at home. She really loves it. Kendall is the only girl in her class, which I think she enjoys as well. In class she is SO agressive. When she was playing outfield, she chased down every ball the first day. She also did a great job running the bases. It is neat to see the kids getting new interests all on their own!

Kindergarten Guilt

Caleb wrote this narrative at school in April. I guess he was paying attention when I told him that we NEVER pick flowers from our neighbors yards, we should leave them for the next person to enjoy. I can say, that he hasn't done it since! He can be such a good boy.