Saturday, August 27, 2011

Night Terrors

Caleb's night terrors are back and they have been really bad lately. He is now sleep walking/running. Tonight he woke up and ran to where I was. He was in a cold sweat, shaking, and screaming, "I saw it. I saw you. I saw it. I want it." I asked him what, and he was pointing to a wall. He then started running all over the house, room to room screaming and pointing. It is totally crazy. I finally got him to lay back down and he is now quiet. I would love to know what he is dreaming about. I would also love to know why he get these! It may sound weird, but I miss the nights of just night terrors without the sleep walking. When you add sleep walking to the equation it is scary, just from a safety stand point.

Busy and Fun Saturday!

We had a wonderful Saturday today! We started our morning going to the new session of gymnastics classes. Caleb was thrilled to see his new friend from kindergarten enrolled for the same time. We then did a quick shopping trip to Meijers. Next, we went to Gia's third birthday party. The kids had a blast playing in her new jumper. We bought Gia play makeup and hair styling kit. It was really cute! It even had a pretend straightener. Dante, Gia, and Kendall had a so much fun pretending to make each other beautiful.
Next we went to Grandma's house to see my sister Rachel and Caroline. Caroline was enthralled with Grandma's IPAD. It is really amazing how fast the kids pick up new technology. Kendall and Caleb were laughing and giggling watching Caroline play her game.
They continued playing for quite awhile. I think it is wonderful how much my kids adore their little cousin. Caleb has decided that he wants to potty train Caroline so that she will not have ballooned up diapers.
My dad took all of us out for dinner. All in all, the kids were very well behaved. Kendall put mustard on her pizza. YUCK! She ate it though and kept raving how delicious it was. Too each their own!

Friday, August 26, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten!

I can't believe Caleb is already in kindergarten. It is amazing how fast time flies by. I was thrilled that I was able to go with Caleb to meet the teacher and drop off his supplies. It is hard being a teacher and missing the first day of school each year for my own kids. Caleb was so excited to find his spot at his table.
He then spent sometime checking out the classroom. His favorite spot was the grocery corner. He was never the shopper, always the cashier. Caleb did a great job sharing with the other children.
A few days later, it was the first day of school. Here is Caleb with his backpack ready to go to Michelle's house. He loved packing his lunch. With Caleb's allergies, his lunch feels like a bunch of healthy snacks. There is no main part like a sandwich. This is his normal lunch at home too, but when I put it in his lunch box and am truly able to say, you can take any one thing out for snack, it hits home that he has very limited things that he can eat.
The great news is that Caleb made it through his first day of school with smiles! After the second day, I even received a positive email from his teacher saying that he is observant and eager to learn. His favorite part of the day is recess, which he has been having two a day. He was cute last night, when I asked him if he had listening position. He thought that it was amazing that I knew about it!
After school, Caleb gets to go back to Michelle's house and play with Kendall and his best friend Christopher. Michelle took this cute photo of them with her phone. It is a little fuzzy, but too sweet to not post!

End of Summer

It is hard to believe that summer has come and went! The end of summer is full of mixed emotions in our household. Their is sadness because we will not have the opportunity to spend as much time together. But, along side that their is the excitement of going back to school and all of the new things that entails! Here are a few photos of our last summer bbq.
The kids had a blast with some huge balloons. It kept all of the kids entertained for hours. I even saw some of the adults excited about it as well!
My Mom also took both kids back to school shopping. Caleb and Kendall had a blast trying on and modeling different outfits. Kendall loved anything with sparkle and skinny jeans. I am thankful that my mom loves to spend time with them and the goodies that sometimes entails!