Saturday, July 7, 2012

Primrose Farm

 Adam and Rachel met me at my Mom's house with the kids. We decided to take everyone to Primrose Farm for their free Saturday tours. I love how they are all walking hand in hand.
 They tended to walk holding hands to each area on the farm. So cute! Isaac and Caroline are getting so tall. Kendall is 2.5 years older then the two of them, but only a few inches smaller.

Kendall loved interacting with all of the animals. Caleb enjoyed the chickens and made lots of great connections to his school science unit.

Crystal Lake Beach

We visited Crystal Lake Beach with Caroline and Tessa. The kids of course had a blast. I love this picture that I got of them!

What a Storm

 We had horrible storms in our area with microbursts. Many places lost power and there was quite a bit of damage. My dad called Terry and asked him to help with a few branches that fell down. Here is a picture of the few branches in the backyard. I think that we have a difference in opinion with both the terms few and branches.
Terry manned the chain saw and worked on cutting everything into manageable pieces, while my mom, dad, and I dragged the branches to the front yard. It was sweltering out, but we worked until dark.
Even after all of the work, it still isn't done. Terry went back for another 2 or so hours, but is still a bunch of work to be done. His chainsaw ended up breaking, so he got a break today, and will be back tomorrow morning.

Play Date with Aria

 Caleb had a play date with Aria. He loves Aria, and she is the friend he talks most often about. Currently he has big plans to marry her and have 100+ kids.
It is nice that Aria is right in between Kendall and Caleb's age. When she came over she bounced and between playing with both of them. They had a very fun time!


We see Caroline and Tessa just about once a week, sometimes more often. The kids just love their cousins. I thought this picture was just adorable of Caleb planting a big one on Caroline's cheek.

Go Red!

 The uniforms came in, and both kids are on Team Red in their respective leagues.  Note that Kendall is wearing a skirt with her tee ball shirt and hat.
Anthony, who was in Caleb's kindergarten class, ended up on his team. The boys were thrilled, and of course Kendall had to join in the picture. Caleb's tee ball league should be renamed tackle tee ball. There are so many agressive boys on his team that want the ball, and they dog pile for it every time.

Great America

 Caleb and I went to Great America. It has been such a hot summer, including this day. Terry and Kendall were originally supposed to come with us, but they complained that it was too hot, so Caleb and I went by ourselves. The temperatures hit around 100. Although we were hot, it was wonderful because there were no lines at all. For the majority of the rides, we got on immediately, then were told at the end of the ride if you wanted to ride again to stay on.
 Caleb was much more brave this year at Great America. He continues to have a fear of heights, but really enjoyed anything that spun around.
  We went on one ride that spun around, in every direction, 3 times and I finally had to say enough is enough!
 Caleb was very excited to meet Shaggy at the park. This was 1 line he wanted to wait in!
 When we began to get a bit to hot, we stopped for lunch. He had a cheeseburger and fries, which was pretty much all he could eat. I think next year we will bring a lunch for him. I brought him a snack and with the quick mention of food allergies, it was fine.

 Caleb's favorite area continued to be the little kid area. He rode each ride one time, but would have stayed on them all day if I wasn't so hot!
 We spent the final 2 hours or so at the water park. He loved the small lagoon, but they kicked everyone out to give the life guards a break. So we went to the wave pool. Caleb was enthralled with this pool. He had on a life jacket and wanted to go to the deep end. It has been years since I have been in a wave pool, and I forgot how strong that current is. It was amazing how we started in the deep end, but ended up in the shallow end each time.
I loved having a one-on-one day with Caleb. We had such a blast together.

Playdate with Issac

 Isaac was over at my mom's house, so we met at Moore Park. I couldn't get him to look at the camera, so this was the best photo that I got of him.
 There was one spot of the splash pad that was clogged up and had standing water. It was by far Kendall's favorite spot.

Kendall is continues to try to do the monkey bars. She is getting closer, but still typically doesn't make it across. It is interesting, because for a short while, when she was 2, she was able to do them. I am not sure when/how she lost that skill!

 Next we went to my house and played on the playground. Isaac was finally opening up and smiling. Caleb and Kendall love spending time with their cousin!
 Next, we went out for frozen yogurt. Yum! The kids love this place, because they get to choose both their flavors and toppings since it is a make it yourself place. Caleb of course, had extra cherries on top.
 Isaac loved his ice cream so much he licked the bowl! The kids had so much fun, they didn't want to leave.
By the end of the day, all three of them were all smiles all of the time! It was a wonderful day.

Apple Villa Pancakes

Caleb requested pancakes for lunch, so we went ahead and treated him. It is pretty special because there is only one place in our area that offers wheat free pancakes. He is also getting pretty good at doing the activities on the menus. His new favorite are the crossword puzzles!

Moore Splash Park

 Another fun summer spot that we enjoy is Moore Splash Park. This is the free splash park in Geneva. St. Charles has a splash park as well that costs money, but I personally like this one better. The splash area is all contained in one spot, so it is easy to keep track of the kids, and there is also a nice playground too.

Caleb and Kendall love spraying each other with water with the water guns. That is probably their highlight. A great memory for us this year happened when we drove past Moore Park and we saw the sprinklers were on for the first time of the season. I pulled over and let the kids out in their regular clothes play for about 10 minutes. It is amazing how wet they became in those 10 minutes!

Swanson Pool

 One of our favorite summer spots is our local pool. We spend countless hours at Swanson Pool each summer. The kids just love it, and it is a great way to wear them out.
 Kendall is such a chicken in the water. With a life jacket on, she refuses to get off the steps. There is a fun slide, where the kids can go down, and if wanted be caught at the bottom.Kendall wanted nothing to do with it. She would much rather play in the baby area the entire time.I had a bad mom moment, (one of many!) and bribed her...if she went down the slide we would get ice cream. I know I shouldn't bribe with food, and typically never do, but I also knew that if she tried it, my daredevil on land, would love it.
 Well, the bribing worked! She did go down the slide...not once, but over and over and over and over. Now when we go to the pool for 2 or so hours, she spends 20 minutes in the baby area, and the rest of the time racing up and going down the slide. She won't try the tube slide though.

Kendall was so proud of herself when she made it the first time. I was proud that she had conquered her fear.
 Caleb, of course, had to prove he still had the slide in him too and chose to go down it over and over as well. He also refused to be caught because he is too big for that!
 It is interesting that both of my kids want nothing to do with the tube slide. I wonder what about it makes them nervous. One of the things that I love about our pool, is that it is never too busy. The kids will occasionally have to wait 1-5 people for their turn, but typically can just go right down.

Dress Up

Kendall has turned into such a ham as of late. She enjoys raiding her costume box and comes up with very interesting outfits. I also think her new poses are very funny.

Tee Ball

Today was the first day of the Caleb and Kendall's tee ball league. I didn't take many picture because they don't have their uniforms yet. But I have to say I think it is hilarious that she chose to wear a dress to her first game. She did wear bike shorts underneath them. Kendall is such a girlie girl!

Caleb's Turn to Help

This time it was Caleb's turn to help in the garden. He actually loved it; He tends to love anything that has to do with water! He was a workhorse and was a very big help. It is nice seeing him grow and mature.

Summer Karate

 Caleb chose to do karate again this summer. He really seems to enjoy it, and I think it is helping him build some self-discipline.
His buddy Christopher is also in karate. Kendall has asked to be in it as well, but I am letting it be 'Caleb's thing.' I think it is good for each of them to do their own activities for now.

Blackberry Farm

My Mom and I took the kids to Blackberry Farm. It was a free day, and I was expecting it to be packed, but was happily surprised to see a fairly empty parking lot! The kids of course wanted to go on the carousal first thing. Kendall found a zebra, which she named Stripes after the movie. She does love zebras! 

 Next, we went on the pony rides. Caleb and Kendall were so excited waiting in anticipation of their big ride.

 Caleb and Kendall each chose their ponies. They each got their first pick.
 And around and around they went...two times. There smiles were priceless.

 Next went on the train ride. Kendall has become a mama's girl, and insisted on sitting with me.

 We finally went on the wagon ride. Kendall decided to sit all by her lonesome.
Caleb sat on the other side, so my mom and I sat in the middle. 
I did get one cute picture of Kendall smiling. I do love my little girl!