Friday, August 15, 2008

Hapy Birthday Kendall!

I cannot believe that Kendall is 1 years old. This past year has just flown by. I still think of Kendall as my little baby and that is really not the case! She no longer uses bottles or pacifiers. Kendall is officially full of personality, wishes and tantrums when she does not get her way, she is persistent and determined. I have my hands full with her but they are all great traits (minus the tantrums) to go far in life.

Today Caleb and I are going to go out and he is buying Kendall a birthday present. I have a sneaky feeling that he truly believes that she will love a new truck or plane. It will be interesting to see what he picks out!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Adam and This Scared Thing is Getting Ridiculous


So, we can add to things Caleb is terribly afraid of: People on crutches. The cat on Cinderella. People named Rocco. Two different times and people. We met Rocco at Isaac's and Ivy's birthday. He's a very nice family relative. Rocco did tickle Caleb and apparently he did not like that. From that moment on, anytime Caleb saw Rocco he would scream like a girl and hysterically cry. It was truly embarrassing. If Rocco was inside, Caleb immediately went outside. If Rocco came back out Caleb would go back inside. Totally Ridiculous!