Sunday, October 16, 2011

Randy's Pumpkin Farm

Terry, my mom, and I went to Randy's pumpkin farm on Saturday. I was a little disappointed. It pretty much just contained a few expensive carnival rides with pumpkins and bins of gourds. Live and learn I guess! The kids did have fun on the rides.
Kendall was my brave wild child. She wanted to go on the tallest and fastest rides. She was all smiles with squeals of delight throughout each ride.
Caleb on the other hand had white knuckles for each ride and Terry had to force him down the slide. Int he end he liked all the rides he chose, with the exception of the dragon roller coaster. I think he only went on that one because Kendall wanted to.
I don't think we will be returning to this pumpkin patch, but it was nice to get outside with kids on a sunny, but very windy day. It is fun to see how excited both of them are about Halloween this year. It should make for some great memories!