Sunday, July 31, 2011

I Have to See T-Rex!

Caleb woke up Saturday morning and immediately told me he had plans. He had to see T-Rex at the museum TODAY! I love that it is summer AND we live close enough to the Field Museum that I was able to make it happen. So, we invited my Dad who loves history to come along and off we went to Chicago. Caleb was so excited when we got to the steps leading up to the museum.
Our first stop was of course the dinosaur area. Caleb pretty much raced through the first few million years of the Earth to get to when the dinosaurs came along. He was fascinated! Caleb told me that his favorite was the Duck Billed Dinosaur, but I think he liked that one best because it had a spot where you could make their noise.
He sat and was memorized by triceratops as well. One of my favorite moments is when he laid down on the bench and noticed pterodactyl flying over head. He thought that was great! The Field has an amazing collection of fossils.
According to Caleb, his favorite part of the day was seeing "Waking T-Rex" at the 3-D theater. I have to say I was impressed with the movie. It was pretty neat and the film truly popped off the screen. It was very informative on how the paleontologist found Sue and some basics on how they get the fossils back to the museum and on display.
We also so the whale and horse traveling exhibits. By the time we got finished with these two exhibits, Caleb was done. It was a wonderful day!

Let's Slide!

They changed the rules at our public pool. Caleb is now allowed to go down the slide if he wears a life jacket. Well, to say he is thrilled does not even remotely describe his feelings. He has spent the last 3 times at the pool going up and down the slide over and over and over again! Super fun for a 5 year old! Kendall isn't tall enough yet. She is much happier in the baby pool where there is no risk of getting her hair wet by accident!