Saturday, July 7, 2012

Playdate with Issac

 Isaac was over at my mom's house, so we met at Moore Park. I couldn't get him to look at the camera, so this was the best photo that I got of him.
 There was one spot of the splash pad that was clogged up and had standing water. It was by far Kendall's favorite spot.

Kendall is continues to try to do the monkey bars. She is getting closer, but still typically doesn't make it across. It is interesting, because for a short while, when she was 2, she was able to do them. I am not sure when/how she lost that skill!

 Next we went to my house and played on the playground. Isaac was finally opening up and smiling. Caleb and Kendall love spending time with their cousin!
 Next, we went out for frozen yogurt. Yum! The kids love this place, because they get to choose both their flavors and toppings since it is a make it yourself place. Caleb of course, had extra cherries on top.
 Isaac loved his ice cream so much he licked the bowl! The kids had so much fun, they didn't want to leave.
By the end of the day, all three of them were all smiles all of the time! It was a wonderful day.

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