Saturday, July 7, 2012

Swanson Pool

 One of our favorite summer spots is our local pool. We spend countless hours at Swanson Pool each summer. The kids just love it, and it is a great way to wear them out.
 Kendall is such a chicken in the water. With a life jacket on, she refuses to get off the steps. There is a fun slide, where the kids can go down, and if wanted be caught at the bottom.Kendall wanted nothing to do with it. She would much rather play in the baby area the entire time.I had a bad mom moment, (one of many!) and bribed her...if she went down the slide we would get ice cream. I know I shouldn't bribe with food, and typically never do, but I also knew that if she tried it, my daredevil on land, would love it.
 Well, the bribing worked! She did go down the slide...not once, but over and over and over and over. Now when we go to the pool for 2 or so hours, she spends 20 minutes in the baby area, and the rest of the time racing up and going down the slide. She won't try the tube slide though.

Kendall was so proud of herself when she made it the first time. I was proud that she had conquered her fear.
 Caleb, of course, had to prove he still had the slide in him too and chose to go down it over and over as well. He also refused to be caught because he is too big for that!
 It is interesting that both of my kids want nothing to do with the tube slide. I wonder what about it makes them nervous. One of the things that I love about our pool, is that it is never too busy. The kids will occasionally have to wait 1-5 people for their turn, but typically can just go right down.

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