Sunday, September 4, 2011

First Phone Call Home From School

Well, less than a week into the school year and I get my first phone call home from school. It was actually from the school nurse. Caleb was running full speed at recess and ran smack into someone else, cheek first. He ended up getting his first black eye at school. That didn't take long! He is totally fine, I really hope that the child he ran into is fine as well. Apparently, Caleb just hopped back up and started playing again. When he came back inside, his teacher realized that it was going to bruise and sent him into the nurse. My little bruiser!
The new routine with school is taking a toll on the kids. They are exhausted by the time we get home. After school, Michelle has been taking the kids to the park, because Caleb is bursting with energy from sitting still all day long. I have been giving him 1-2 hours of playtime. Then, we go home to cook and eat dinner, as well as tubs, homework, and bedtime stories. Each day when I cook dinner the kids veg out in front of the tv, sometimes falling asleep. If I don't give them this down time, the rest of the evening is filled with multiple meltdowns, so this routine is working for now. It is very sweet though, that they cozy up together!

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