Sunday, September 4, 2011

Play Date with Isaac!

Adam and Nikko came out with Isaac today to visit everyone. It was great to see them! Isaac is so adorable! He is no longer walking, but rather running and playing. He is definitely passed the baby stage. My kids loved playing with him. We went on a bike ride to enjoy the beautiful weather. Isaac loved the cozy coupe.
Kendall announced that she is too little for her big girl bike, and got onto this teeny, tiny tricycle. She looked so silly pedaling around on it!
I think she got tired of everyone commenting, so she went back and got a big tricycle. It was slightly better, but she still looked like a goof ball following Caleb on his two wheeler with training wheels.
When we got back to the house, Kendall decided to take a turn in the cozy coupe. Isaac was not happy with that idea! He grunted and pointed at Kendall with a frown on his face. It was pretty funny. Kendall, being a great cousin got out and gave him a turn.

Afterwards, we took Dorothy and Wayne out to dinner at Al Capone's Steakhouse. The food was delicious! I am so proud of the kids. I had tried to find a sitter, but no one was available due to the long weekend. So, we brought the kids. Caleb was perfect. He talked in a whisper, sat the entire time, and was super polite. Kendall wasn't perfect, but I have no complaints from her either! Kendall was fascinated with the bathrooms. She went 5 times throughout dinner. She wanted to do it herself each time. I think she liked the doors; they slid open like pantry doors. So, dinner was wonderful and everyone had a great time. I guess, the lack of sitters ended up being a great thing!

After dinner, we met Rachel, Mike, and Caroline at the park. They were getting their pictures taken by Michelle. Michelle also was able to snap a few photos of Caleb and Kendall. I have to say, all in all, a great day!

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