Monday, May 28, 2012

New Swingset

 Terry and I decided to buy a swing set for our backyard. Our kids love going to the park, and I thought it would nice to have the park at our house. After searching and searching, we finally found one that fit our price range and had the main components of what we were looking for. I wanted 2 swings, a slide, and monkey bars. This one also came with a fort, picnic bench, and a glider. It was perfect.
 The swing set came in 4 huge boxes shipped separately to Walmart. Terry picked them up one at a time. It was a pretty big project that took him a full day to put together. I helped at the beginning, but h really didn't need any extra hands, and seemed to get it done faster without me.
The kids were so excited when it was finished. They often play in the morning before we leave for Michelle's house. Caroline stopped by to check it out as well, and had a great time playing on the glider with Kendall. I hope that they get lots of use out of this!

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