Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. It was great to have two new additions to our dinner...although they were too little to eat! Here is a picture of Rachel holding Ira. He is such a happy baby and was all smiles.
My mom is such a baby person and loves to role of Grandma. I have to admit that I am also a baby person and spent much of my Thanksgiving snuggling with my niece and nephew.
Tessa wasn't all smiles, but who can blame her! Caleb and Kendall both wanted to hold her. If I was in her position I would probably cry too! Caleb is so proud of his little cousins. He thinks the world of them and talks about them daily.
We had to get a picture of all of the girls. I guess striped tights must be in style, because all three of them happened to be wearing brown dresses and striped tights. Too cute! Caleb said that he wished we could have Thanksgiving everyday. We both agree that it is our favorite holiday!

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