Saturday, August 2, 2008

Going Places and Being Scared

Kendall is a moving and a grooving little girl! I think her current goal is to have us chase her. We recently discovered that she can climb up stairs. Now, you might be wondering how I realized this. Well...I was upstairs a few days ago changing in the morning. The kiddos were downstairs watching a tv show and playing. All of a sudden I look down and there Kendall was in my room with me. She climbed right on up. She is actually pretty secure going up, but currently has no idea how to get back down. So, I guess I actually need to teach her that. But, if you are ever wondering where she is there is a good chance that she is racing up the stairs trying not to be caught!

Caleb, on the other hand, has some fear issues. His Uncle Micah discovered our secret yesterday. Caleb is terrified of Snuffalufagus. Micah thought that he was being a great uncle and showed Caleb this clip of sesame street: Caleb started to cry and say, "It's scary!" when it was Snuffy's turn to sing. Of course because we all love to torture my son, it was played 3 different times last night. My dad certainly enjoyed because Caleb ran to him and sat on his lap which was a rare treat. Any advice on how to toughen up a two year old?

1 comment:

Adam Dorfman said...

shoot, if i saw a big mammoth singing i'd be terrified too.