Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Big Kid

I always new it would happen. One of my kids would come home with a creature of some sort that they collected. Actually, Caleb has given me many bugs- especially the dead ones in the past year or so. But, we have a winner. The Big Kid (aka Terry) came home with a decrepit baby bunny yesterday. It was literally breathing it's last breath and Terry thought he could 'save' it. So, this ill and germy bunny entered my home-with Caleb and Kendall loving every second of this adventure. Terry took a medicine dropper and filled it with milk. This was to no avail because the bunny died about 3 minutes later. So, then I had a dead germy bunny in my house. Sweet. I never realized I had to explain the rule of no wild pets to my 36 year old husband! Caleb kept telling me how sad it was for the next few hours. I guess everyone has to learn about life and death at some point.

1 comment:

Ashes and Milk said...

AW. I hope Thumper is ok! Caleb and Kendall are entranced!