Wednesday, August 22, 2012

1st Day of School

 Today was the first day of school the kids woke up at 6 o'clock rearing to go. They were so excited, Caleb especially,  because he knew his teacher from Town Hall meetings that he attended last year at Munhall. Caleb had a wonderful day at school today. He likes the kids in this class and saw his kindergarten friends at recess. I think he's really can enjoy first grade.
Kendall was also very excited to go to kindergarten today. She felt like such a big girl as she got her lunch box out of the fridge. It was only 7 o'clock, she didn't have to leave until 8:20. After school I asked Kendall how her a day was. She stated that her teacher was very mean. I was disappointed to hear that, because I know she has a very nice teacher. She went on to tell me, that her teacher was mean because she had to go to the bathroom at the end of the day, but her teacher said no it was too late to go. Kendall ended up having an accident on the way home. She also had a difficult time at lunch. She didn't ask for any help and wasn't able to open up some of the containers in her lunchbox. This caused her to be very hungry when she got home. Kendall also didn't know how to get milk, so she didn't have anything to drink at lunch. She looked like she was going to cry as she told me this. I feel like kindergarten is  such an important year, and I'm sad to hear that she had such a sad start to it. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

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