Sunday, August 19, 2012

Gia's Birthday Party

 We went to Gia's birthday party. She turned four years old today. The kids were very excited to see her!

 Kendall is now asking to have her hair done in two Princess braids. She thinks that it is very beautiful looking! I am glad that she wants me to do her hair finally. This is been a long time coming, I am so happy that she is not fighting me anymore.
 Caleb really enjoyed the bubbles at the party. He blew them all over the place. I think that he had a good time, I brought food for him in so that he could have something to eat. He seemed okay with that this time and didn't complain that it was not fair.
Terry got to the party a little bit late because he was playing golf at pheasant run with my dad. Kendall was so surprised to see him! She hung onto him and just seemed very very happy. It was sweet to see. The party was a lot of fun I am glad we were able to go!

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