Sunday, August 19, 2012

Coco Keys

 Terry went to Put-In-Bay for a camping trip, so I took the kids to Coco Keys for the waterpark, and we stayed one night at the hotel. They had a great deal going on, for $99 you could play in the water park for 2 days, spend the night at the hotel, and it included breakfast.
 The kids had lots of fun playing there. I think Caleb's favorite part was the basketball hoop, while Kendall loved all of the slides.

 The only snag we ran into was Caleb had a horrible stomach ache that night. We went out to dinner, and he was acting fine at that point. We all ordered, the second the food came, he started crying, because his tummy hurt too much to eat. Poor baby. He curled up into a ball, and fell asleep. I hate that he gets these tummy aches. It is so sad to see.
 Luckily, he felt all better for breakfast, and took it upon himself to order himself and Kendall juice while I was getting my food. He had 3 plates of food for breakfast, so more than made up for the skipped meal.

 Caleb did such a great job swimming in the big pool. He chose to not wear a life jacket, and paddled all over the place, including in the deep end. I am proud of all of his swimming progress!
 I think the best part of this trip, was the fact that they got along so well the entire time. They played nicely, didn't fight at all, it was wonderful!
 On the second day, they went down this slide over and over together. They would let kids go in front of them, to make sure they got to go down it at the same time.
 The kids then played in both the hotel pool, and Coco keys until mid afternoon. I loved that they were holding hands walking up the stairs. So cute!

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