Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dinner With Isaac

 My mom was babysitting Isaac today so after school she went to our house for a play date. My kids were thrilled to see Isaac playing on the swingset when we arrived home. We played for a while; Kendall even made it across the monkey bars three times. She was pretty excited! Next we headed to colonial. No surprise there, it seems to be our favorite restaurant as of late. Caleb was hilarious, because our waitress said that she was going to push two tables together. Caleb wanted nothing to do with that, he decided instead that he would sit at the second table all by himself. Isaac and Kendall both wanted to sit by my mom so I ended up having a whole side to myself. It was very roomy!
 The kids were pretty well behaved coloring on their placements but they are waiting for their food to arrive. You just never know with kids how much food to order, Kendall will sometimes eat an entire kids meal all by herself and other times eat next to nothing. Today Isaac and Kendall both ordered pancakes for dinner between the two of them they could have shared one kids meal and probably would have had half of it left over. It was a total waste to buy two. Wish I would've known that before we ordered!
We of course had to get ice cream for dessert. Caleb and Kendall both got the yummy gummy with M&Ms and worms in it. Isaac had a scoop of chocolate with whipped cream. Unfortunately, later that evening Caleb had an allergic reaction all over his back again. We are going to take them to the allergist again and have a retested I wonder what is going on. This is becoming pretty common. Hopefully we can figure it out and get it taken care.

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