Sunday, August 19, 2012

Life Jackets Really Do Float!

 Kendall finally believed me that life jackets float and it opened a whole new world of swimming for her. She was paddling all over the water, chasing after me. If Caleb came within arms reach of her, she would shriek like he was trying to drown her. Sisterly love!
 When it was time to go, Kendall told me that we couldn't, because she hadn't gone off the diving board yet. I have to say that I was totally shocked! This is a girl who didn't get out of the baby section last year, and this year spent the majority of the summer clinging to me, if I forced her into the deep end, for dear life and now she was telling me she needed to go off the diving board.
 And jump off she did. Well...jump might be a strong word. She kind of barely walked off the diving board. I was in fact nervous that she was going to his her head, because she didn't jump at all. Luckily all was well, and she paddled to the ladder. She then went off about 10 more times.
 I was so proud of her! She was also very proud of herself, and felt like such a big girl standing in a line with kids who were much older than her.
She looked so nervous each time she went off, but she did it! Hopefully being able to swim for real will happen next year.

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