Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

We spent last night with my parents celebrating Father's Day. So, today we spent some time with Terry's parents. Both of the grandparents go by Grandma and Grandpa. Terry's parents already had 8 grandchildren by the time ours came along, so they were set. My parents had always thought they would be Grandma and Grandpa, so there you go! The kids came up with there own way of differentiating the grandparents. My parents used to have a standard poodle named Fonzie. So, they are Grandma with Fonzie and Grandpa with Fonzie. After he passed away, they became Grandma without Fonzie. Now, Terry's parents have many pets. They have cats, ferrets, rabbits, a dog, and crabs. So, Caleb began referring to them as Grandma and Grandpa with the crabs. Hilarious right?
We normally spend most of our time outside when we visit Terry's parents. The kids wanted a tractor ride with Grandpa. And Wayne came through! The tractor (lawnmower) is pretty old and has seen better days. He had such a hard time getting it started, but he worked on it for a good 10 minutes and the rides began. I was so surprised that he took both kids at the same time AND they behaved while having fun. Awesome!
After playing outside the kids were starving. So, we went to Denny's for lunch. I think they must have been short help in the kitchen. Our waiter was great, but our Denny's lunch trip took 2 hours. We arrived at 12:50 and the food was not brought out until 1:30. We were warned that it would take about fifteen minutes for the food to arrive, but it took closer 30 from the time we ordered. Happily the kids were very well behaved. Kendall was adorable. She kept scooting closer and closer to Grandpa until she was literally on his lap. She thought she was being very sneaky.

After lunch, we dropped Wayne and Dorothy back to their house and headed home. The kids fell asleep in the car and were easily transferred to bed for naps. I woke them up at 5:15 because I had a couple of errands to run. They were not happy waking up. I think they must be growing. Caleb is eating and sleeping like a champ. He is actually now about 2 inches taller than Kendall.

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