Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bowling with Rachael

We have been enjoying watermelon each day that Christopher bought Caleb when he was sick to make him feel better. Kendall in particular loves the watermelon and always eats it with a smile on her face!

We had a great morning! The kids had gymnastics first thing. They did a wonderful job! All of the older kids were there because it is summer vacation. It was amazing too see them flip threw the air! Wow! There were some really talented children there! My kids were working on forward and backward rolls.
After gymnastics we went bowling with Rachael. I love our bowling ally. They have balls as light as 4 lbs. So, the kids can actually bowl at the beginning by themselves. When they get tired they can then use these ball rollers. Kendall cheered whenever she got any pins down. She also was jumping up and down for joy because she was the fourth winner. There were of course 4 of us bowling. Rachael did a pretty good job, although she did get a gutter ball with bumpers. So, we all had a good laugh at that one!

After bowling we went out to lunch at Portillos. Yum! Kendall was very tired! So, we dropped Rachael back at home so my kids could take naps. They slept for 2.5 hours before I woke them up. Needless to say, they are wide awake and not ready for bedtime now!

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