Friday, June 24, 2011


We made it to jazz class today. This was a huge accomplishment after having the wrong time last week! Caleb brought a bag with some toys to keep him entertained while Kendall had class.
Kendall had a great time. She loved putting on her new jazz shoes. She tried her best skipping, she doesn't quite get the concept yet!

Kendall discovered that she has leg hair today. She begged Terry and I to shave it off. Hilarious! I think she is a little young to be worrying about such things. So, we told her of course not, and that she is beautiful just the way she is. This caught me totally off guard.
Later we continued to work on our scavenger hunt. We went to a local park where we had to figure out two clues. We borrowed Christopher's glider bike. The kids each took turns riding it. Neither liked it much, they found it 'scary.' I am hoping that this will help teach them the balance they need to ride a two wheeler.

On a happier note, Isaac had his surgery today. It went well. The doctors think they got all of the tumor. I believe that his family will find out tomorrow when he has another MRI. I wish him a speedy recovery, and hope that the pathologist report comes back with good news!

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