Thursday, June 23, 2011

Brrr!! It is Cold Out!

This morning we met my mom and went to Sweedish Days. It is a local festival and just an excuse to go out and visit some shops. The kids enjoyed a booth that had live animals, including a snake they could pet.
While we were walking around we discovered a new shop called The Chocolate Kitchen. So of course, we had to check it out! Kendall ordered a chocolate gelato, Caleb got strawberry sorbet, and my mom and I shared a slice of chocolate cake and a mini key lime pie with oreo crust. Yup, it was as good as it sounds! Quite delicious. Apparently the store opened just three days ago. They still have some glitches to work out, for example I was at first told no when I asked for a glass of water for the kids...I ended up asking a different person and got an empty sample cup that I filled in the bathroom. But, we would go there again in a heartbeat. Yum!
After lunch, Caleb attended another park district nature program learning about bugs and other creepy crawly things. The highlight was finding a dead frog. Fun stuff!
Tonight we had swim lessons. The pool was actually closed today and tonight due to the cold weather, but swim lessons were on. It was only 63 degrees out! Brrr! Kendall didn't realize what was about to happen in this picture.
Here she is after swim lessons. I bet she will not be too enthusiastic next week when it is time to go to lessons again. It felt like a cool fall day today. I am hoping tomorrow will be much warmer! We shouldn't need to go into our house to warm up in June.

On a sad note, please send prayers to my friend's son Isaac. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor last night. He is in good spirits right now, but we know that there will be a long road ahead of him. I hope the doctors come up with a great plan and that his body begins to heal!

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