Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Classes and Weather

We started off our day at ballet lessons for Kendall. She did a pretty good job when I peaked in! This was the first time I have seen her really try and follow the directions. Kendall was also very excited to be chosen as a leader a few times. While she was in class I tried to take Caleb to the park outside. It was pretty busy with the summer camp kids, and he refused to play. I think he was tired, but I honestly have never seen him shy like that. It was very strange!
After ballet, Caleb had his Get Ready for Kindergarten class. I signed him up in hopes that they would work on fine motor skills and to give him an extra opportunity to socialize in a school like setting. Kendall and I went out for an early lunch while we were waiting for him. She thought it was wonderful! We went out to Subway, which was a total treat for us. Caleb is allergic to wheat, so we tend to not go to sandwich shops. Kendall chose a roast beef sandwich with green and banana peppers. Kendall LOVES peppers. When we go grocery shopping, if I allow her to pick one thing, she always chooses a green pepper.
Later we went swimming and then had swim lessons. The kids did a great job in swim lessons! Caleb actually swam a few yards all by himself for the first time! Kendall gave a great appearance of being a little fish, and was chosen to be the example because she was doing such a good job. She refused to float on her tummy or back though. Swim lessons were cut short by 10 minutes due to a thunderstorm.
We ended the night huddled in the basement watching a movie on our laptop due to a tornado warning. The kids handled it very well, and luckily as of yet no tornadoes touched down by us. I hope the storms pass quickly, because it is freezing in the basement!

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