Next, we met Erin and Julia for canoeing. My kids have been on fishing boats and kayaks, but this was there first canoe ride. The first thing we had to do was get the canoe off of the car. It was heavy! There was a man in his mid twenties there who had just finished kayaking. He literally was laughing at us, as we tried to get the canoe down. We were successful and didn't hit the car...but barely!
So, off we went. I have not canoed in years, so I decided it was best if I sat in front. I think I did pretty well. Erin is a great paddler and we were cruising around the lake. The kids loved when we went by the shores because there were so many bullfrogs hiding along the edge. We probably saw 30 frogs! Caleb loved finding them.
Kendall was not thrilled with the canoe. Caleb is very active and kept shifting his position, which meant we wobbled quite a bit. Each time she went into panic mode, breathing fast and making upset noises. She held onto the bar in front of her extremely tight as well. Julia wanted to show off her paddling skills, so I suggested that Kendall and I watch. Kendall was all smiles to be out of the canoe!
This evening we went out to eat dinner with my dad. It was nice to spend time with him. It was right at dusk when we got home and the fireflies were out in droves. Caleb was fascinated by it. He caught one and successfully went into the house without me noticing. So, we had to free the firefly. I think we will all sleep well tonight!
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