Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Finally, We Are HEALTHY!

Kendall felt worse on Sunday. It was probably my fault, since we over did activities on Saturday. So, we stayed home and she rested and had lots of medicine. I got her into the doctor on Monday. She has the same sinus infection that Caleb has. So, she is also on antibiotics. It made a huge difference and she seemed so much better today! I am so thankful that both kids are fever free. After 7 days of kids with fevers, it is nice to have this illness behind us! Kendall still has a cough, but she was her happy self.

It was a beautiful day today, so we took full advantage of the sunshine. We took advantage of our local pool this afternoon. They redid the pool and it is wonderful. When we walked into the pool, Kendall was all smiles and pointed out that it was like a sprinkler park. The park district added a lot of new water features and changed one of the pools to the zero depth style. It was perfect for my kids. Both Caleb and Kendall had a great time splashing and both even went under water multiple times on their own. Kendall still likes to be completely in control of herself, and refused to let me carry her into deeper water. It reminds me of when she was 2 and she would always want to hold her own hand in parking lots. I didn't push it, and was happy that she was in the water today.

After swimming, we went home, cleaned up, and then took advantage of Chii's deal of kids eat free Tuesdays. Yum!

After dinner we did our next stop on our scavenger hunt that we have been working on. This year the clues are a bit trickier. Last year, if you found the park you found a sign with the answer on it. Not so, this year. It is too bad, because it is not as kid friendly, but the kids did enjoy playing at the park.

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