Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fun with Rachael and Bad Mom Moment

We are continuing to have a wonderful summer. On Thursday, I dropped Caleb off at camp and then met my mom for breakfast with Kendall. Kendall was adorable! She found the book, Drive in my purse. She spent most of her time pretending to read the book. Kendall loved breakfast. She shared my french toast and Grandma's blueberry pancakes. Yummy!
After breakfast I picked up my lovely niece Rachael. She is 12 and her mom just went back to work after being a stay at home mom. So, she has been a little bored. It was awesome having Rachael around. We had about an hour before we needed to pick up Caleb. So, we stopped by my house. She helped Kendall clean her room. They even vacuumed it! We then picked up Caleb, and met a friend for lunch at McDonalds. After lunch, we got our swim suits and went swimming. I think the best part, was having time to just chat with my niece. She is growing up so fast, and it was so interesting to hear about her aspirations, likes, and dislikes. She had such a great time, that we will be making this a weekly event. Fun! This is a picture of the kids after we dropped Rachael back home. Caleb and Kendall were pooped!

Today, I dropped Caleb off for his last nature camp day and then ran to the dentist with Kendall for my normal cleaning. Kendall was fascinated about the cleaning and watched quite intently. We then raced to Kendall's jazz class. We walked in and then just looking around I realized I had the wrong time. I thought the class was at 10:30, but it was at 10:00. Oops! Kendall rolled with it, and didn't shed any tears. I was happy that it gave me some time to run to the grocery story with only one child.

After nap time, we went to the pool again. My kids are getting much braver! Caleb is attempting to swim and Kendall is now getting her face wet. I think we will be getting a lot of pool time in this summer!

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