Saturday, June 11, 2011

Feeling Better!

I was supposed to go rafting with some friends this weekend in Wisconsin. Caleb was feeling better (hurray!), so I packed my bags, the kids bags, their bikes, and drove them to Grandma's house. I gave my mom the info about Caleb's antibiotics and then I gave kisses goodbye. First Caleb, then Kendall. Kendall, who was acting totally fine was BURNING up! I just can't catch a break from this. So, I took her temperature which was 102. I then called my friends and husband to let them know that I couldn't go. Caleb burst into tears because he was so excited to spend the weekend with his grandparents. So, my mom, being a wonderful Grandma, told him he could stay and spend the day with her and spend the night. This was his first real overnight at Grandma's house. He was thrilled!

I spent the day with Kendall. She didn't feel well until late afternoon. Then she perked up. Life with one child is so much easier I have to say. She helped me vacuum my car, clean the basement, and dust the living room. We also spent about an hour reading books. It was great!

When she woke up this morning she was acting fine and told me she felt much better. Since she was fever free, and I had cabin fever after being stuck in the house with sick kids all week, we decided to go with my parents and Caleb to Riverfest. It is a local festival. We had a great time!
The kids got to go on three rides each. They were absolutely thrilled. Here is Caleb on the merry-go-round.
Kendall loved this ride. She was on a helicopter and it spun around a track in circles. Lots of fun for a brave three year old.
My brother Micah also decided to join us. It was great to see him.

After the festival, we headed back home. The kids must have really missed each other. They played nicely together in Caleb's room for almost two hours straight with no tattling! Wow! Since they were being great, I treated them to a movie. We went and saw Kung Fu Panda 2. It was surprisingly entertaining. Unfortunately, Kendall started to not feel well during the movie. When we got back home, I took her temperature and her fever was back. She was also very sleepy. So, I gave her some medicine and she went to bed early. This gave me some one-on-one time with Caleb which was nice. I hope she feels better tomorrow!

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