Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Another Sick Day

Poor Caleb! He is still sick today. He was supposed to move up in his gymnastics class today, and he missed the first class. He spent another day on the couch. He woke up with a fever of 102 and threw up this morning. I gave him anti-nausea medicine that was prescribed to him the last time he had the stomach flu because he became dehydrated. So, that did help him feel a bit better. What a sad way to start the summer!

My mom came to the rescue for Kendall. Kendall had her first gymnastics class today. So, she came and brought Kendall to gymnastics. She then did a few errands and took Kendall out for brunch. Kendall had a great time with Grandma! They like to share blueberry pancakes together. My mom and Kendall also stopped by Caleb's school to pick up his things. Kendall will be going to school there next year and is very excited!

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