Sunday, June 5, 2011

After the Fun

I have been having so much fun with the kids in this warm weather, that it was time to take a day and get some things done! Caleb is totally a Mommy's boy and Kendall is a Daddy's girl. So, whenever we go are own ways, we each have a little one with us. I love going out and doing errands with Caleb. He is typically a good boy when we are one on one and we have a great time.

Today, we went to get presents for my parent helpers. This year I am at a fabulous school with lots of moms who want to get in and help. I had 14 helpers this year. That is pretty crazy! So, I wanted to do something to thank them, but I don't want to break the bank at the same time. I decided to get picture frames to put a class photo in for each of them. I will then include a nice thank you note.

We then went to get plants for our very neglected gardens. I let my 5 year old choose the flowers. I know, call me crazy, but they are annuals and will be replaced next year. Plus, I figure you really can't go terribly wrong with flowers. They would not be a combination that I would typically choose, but it will do. I also let him lay out where we planted the flowers. He was excited to help. We planted them together and he watered the flower beds and refilled our small pond with water. It looks like summer now!

My husband and Kendall spent the day making a new kitchen table. A previous sitter spilled glue on our old table. When Terry went to refinish it, we discovered that our 100% wood table was made of particle board with a laminate top. Technically, wood, but not refinishable. So, rather than by a new table, Terry made a new top and sides, using the old legs. It is looking terrific!

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